2018 — present Singapore Polytechnic Diploma in Information Technology
2016 — 2018 Institute of Technical Education (College West) Higher Nitec in Information Technology, specialising in Interactive Media
2012 — 2015 Assumption English School Express Stream
2007 — 2011 Concord Primary School Not applicable
    Certificate of Merit for Higher Nitec in Information Technology
    Adobe Award in Best in User Interface Development Module using Adobe Photoshop
    YMCA-NUS Business School Volunteer Service Management Programme (VSMP)
    Internship at Singapore Management University
    Microsoft Technology Associate Certification in Networking Fundamentals
    Overseas Student Exchange Programme at Hong Kong
    ITE Service Star Award 2017 — Gold
    Tharman Shanmugaratnam Book Prize 2017 — Academic Excellence
    CITI-YMCA Youth For Causes 2017 — Merit Award

Skills & Hobbies


During my Higher NITEC, I was taught numerous programming and scripting languages such as; C#, Java and PHP, HTML, xHTML, ASP.NET and CSS3 respectively. Moreover, from creating movie posters to editing images, I have a good grasp of the various tools in Adobe Photoshop such as Polygonal Lasso tool which is useful to extract a part of an image with numerous curves.


During my academic journey, I inculcated useful soft skills which includes being able to work together with others and being adaptable to the constant changes. I was also given the opportunity to take up leadership roles in my secondary school; being the vice president of my CCA and a student councillor. I managed to hone and enhance my leadership skills through the camps and workshops that I attended.


I love to spend my free time contributing back to the society by volunteering for community services. I am an adhoc volunteer for Youth Corps Singapore, Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) and Peoples' Association Youth Movement (PAYM). Through these volunteer opportunities, I am able to empathize and connect with others better.


What is a successful career if one does not lead a healthy lifestyle? Personally, I set a goal of jogging or cycling around the neighbourhood at least once a week to ensure that I am in the pink of health. On the other hand, during school holidays I also frequent the gym and the swimming complex. As the famous saying goes, "Health is Wealth".